Hey girl!
How are you? I'd thought I'd D
___________________________P you a few lines to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What you are going to do tonight? Me, I'm just sittin' here watchin' the Golden Girls. Call me later. I'll have my ringer off, but the lights on my see-through phone will light up and I'll answer! Talk to you later!
L.Y.L.A.S, V.B.F.F.&.A., I.S.G.W.A.S.F.A.A.T.Y.(Ok, I made up the last one!)
stephDid anyone have a jr. high flashback? In case you've forgotten what those salutations mean, L.Y.L.A.S. = 'Love ya like a sister' and V.B.F.F.&.A = 'Very best friends forever and always'. Yeah, I'm sure glad they didn't leave it up to us to come up with the Morse code...
Anyways, today is one of my two very bestest friends birthdays. I know she's a loyal reader
because I'll put her butt to the fire if she's not of my blog. I wanted to recognize her, her birthday, and to most of all, thank her and another BFF for putting garlic salt and hair mousse in my nether regions while I was asleep when we were kids. (You know, girls, I hope you both feel terrible, knowing that I couldn't help falling asleep first. Again, you will pay dearly sometime in this life.
Maybe even in this blog...)
Alright, we started out not liking each other. She was from another school and was "ball-game" friends with my BFF. So we were "forced" to like each other. And I'm so thankful we did. Who would've thought 20,
Oh! My! Gawd!, 20
years later we'd still be kicking it like old homies, er, mommies.
I mean, we've seen alot together--and this is by no means a summation of our friendship, but some of the funnier,
more-tasteful-for-public-knowledge times:
-Fights (with each other
and other people).
-Junior high cheerleading camp where she and our other BFF told me that that straw purse from Hawaii was
soooooo cute[those wanches].
-Staying the night at her house
every single Friday for 2,956 Fridays
awkward teen years.
-Your picture pages. Oh, the many,
many nights of laughter.
-Riding around C'ville with the interior lights on.
The. whole. night.-Gulf Shores and our butterfly tats and Bob Marley.
-Losing touch and becoming closer.
-Getting married. Having babies.
Growing into ourselves.And being proud of who we were, even if we weren't perfect.You made me feel a sense of pride tonight when I called to wish you a happy birthday.
You love reading my blog! This, coming from a super funny, super sarcastic, super witty mentality that I've always admired.
I. feel. honored.And you've been a super fantastic friend over these two decades (ooh, did you just cringe to think two
decades? That's just cccraaaaaazzyy!!) , even when our friendship took a detour. I wouldn't trade any moment of our friendship, even if I didn't know that we would still be friends.
Joan Lunden. Aussie hair products. Worcestshire burgers. Def Comedy Jam. Steven Segall. The scooter, baby! (Yeah, betcha forgot about those!)
Oh, Eastlands and Jesus sandals. Forgive me for the following:

I.S.G.W.A.S.F.A.A.T.Y. =
I'm So Glad We Are Still Friends After All These Years I love you. Happy Birthday, Liz.
P.S. Congrats on the soon-to-be third addition]