John Cooper is a growing boy, no doubt, and he looks older than 11 weeks. But that's expected when the kid was born the size of a small car! Just kidding, kiddo. At his two month check-up, he weighed 14 lbs. 6 oz and was 23 in. long. In medical terms, he's in the 99th percentile!! That's how my little Michelin man rolls...literally. Rolls and rolls of fat everywehere!
(On a sidenote: The kid sleeps like a dream! Like, up to 8 hours each night! I know, I'm so lucky. And no, I'm not giving him a sedative.)
So, John Cooper and I had an impromptu shoot this past Saturday. I tried to get him to sleep so I could get those sleepy images so desired in the beginning of their lives. It took a while and it ended up working to my advantage because the light coming through was stunning.
So here's to you my chub-a-lub. You beautiful, sweet chub-a-lub. How I love thee!