My dear sweet Dinosaur King,
Today is your 6th birthday, and I find it almost impossible to type that without an ocean of tears in my eyes. It really seems like yesterday when I discovered I was pregnant with you. Oh, shocked couldn't even begin to scratch the surface.
And neither does my love for you.The other day, I came across a picture of you when you were about two and a half, sitting next to your baby sister. What I noticed was the striking blonde hair and blue eyes, but what grabbed my attention more was your round little face. And I teared up, as I tried to remember the little toddler who couldn’t speak as intelligently as you do now, even with your Elmer Fudd pronunciations. (It's one of the many endearing qualities you possess.)

Now that you are getting taller by the week, your little face is also getting slimmer and more boyish. Your dad and I talk it about all the time. And time. Oh time. How it goes by all too fast, but I’m glad I do realize that your boyhood is short-lived.
And so, I live to soak it up. I live to hear your stories at school, how you didn’t get any check-marks, and your increasing knowledge of dinosaurs and what kind of eaters they are and where they lived and what time period in which they lived. It astounds me. But even more, I live to hear you tell me that you’re never moving out of our house. Ever. That you are going to live with me and Daddy forever.
This will always be your home. And you'll forever have a place in our hearts. And let me say, you’re quite the young man. Even if you weren’t my son, I would know that. You’re sensitive and caring, and if you were never anything more than that, I would be beyond proud of you. You take things to heart, wearing it on your sleeve, much like me. We can’t help it. Just know that when you heart hurts, at least you gave something meaningful to feel that way. And for that, there are no apologies.
................................You know, I watch you, even when you think I’m not paying attention. I listen to you, even when you think I’m not hearing you. And I hold you, even when your sound asleep and you have no idea. I’m happy that you still give me kisses and you aren’t embarrassed to do so, even at school in front of your friends, but I know the days are numbered when that will no longer be the case. I just hope that even when I’m an old lady, and you're a retired man, that you’ll still kiss me and tell me how much love me. And maybe you’ll read to me when my poor old eyes can’t see very well.
Earlier tonight, I read to you my favorite, most heartstring-tugging book, "
Let Me Hold You Longer" by Karen Kingsbury. I bought this for you when you were about two years old, and there's never been a time when I've read it that I didn't shed a few tears.
Tonight was no exception.
Except tonight, you recognized my sadness when you looked up from the final page. And with your sweet smile, you wrapped your skinny little arms around my neck, while your poor little Clone Wars pajamas soaked up my tears. I said, "I love you, son."
And you replied, "I love you, too, Momma."
................................Although I miss you being a baby, I really enjoy you at this age too, because you are so fun to talk to. So interesting. So insightful. So serious.
So inquisitive. From the "did-you-know's" to the "why-do's" to the "how-come's", your wonderment never ceases. Why you even asked me during our mommy and me cry-fest, "Did you know that you can fish in Heaven?" That mind of yours never stops. It's always thinking.
Getting you back on track, I told you that I'm happy that you're growing up, that we're raising such a smart and caring little man. Some very lucky young lady is going to hit the jackpot when she snags you, my son. Mark my words.
But, I know.
"I'm nev-uhr getting mel-weed, Momma. I'm livin' wif you and Daddy fuh-evah."I don't care if you never get
mel-weed, or if you get
mel-weed a thousand times. You can live with us for as long as you want. But...
Forever isn't long enough, my son.But for now, for this very day, I want to wish you, my first-born son, a very happy 6th birthday. There may be another little man in my life, but you’ll always be my baby.
I love you very much, Thomas Brennan Greenwell.
Happy Birthday,
love, your Momma.