GRAB A TISSUE RIGHT NOW! I'll even give you a minute to do so.
Last year, before I had my precious baby boy, I decided to hold a contest for a deserving family. (Go read it and then come back here. And have your tissues handy.)
After receiving their nomination, I just knew that in my heart, I wanted them to win, but I kept my wishes to myself since I would be having some other folks decide on the winner.
And let me clarify, every nomination that I received touched my heart. Sometimes, as humans, we forget that so many in our community have such pain and tragedy in their lives. I have to admit that I lose sight of it, being busy with my own life, as we all are. Each of the nominations were completely worthy of winning the contest and maybe someday I can offer more of these sessions.
Through varying schedule conflicts and weather mishaps, my session with this family took place in July. I have to admit that I was nervous in meeting this family. Probably more nervous that they would think I'm just off my rocker and nuts!
We met at a nice field on the south side of Kennett, Missouri. (Yes, Sheryl Crow's hometown. And yes, I'd like to meet her someday.) The sun was glorious and when everyone got out of the van, I wanted to just cry. Not out of sadness, but just knowing that this family was meant to win this session.
These kids are totally awesome. Fun-loving, polite, full of personality, gracious, well-mannered, adorable, cute, sweet, well-mannered. Yeah, I said it again, because I can't stress how great these kids were. And the parents, well, you know God placed these special children with these parents for a reason. Patient, kind, loving, funny, oh Dad, you were a hoot and I bet there's a lot of fun to be had at your home!
After delivering their order, I received the following message from Michelle on my Facebook page:
"Ok so I'm so glad I didn't open my pictures in front of you! Girl you are AMAZING!!! Of course all of the pictures are just perfect but the one you did of my babies.....BEAUTIFUL!!!! It's just perfect, it made me cry. I know that's silly but it really did! I have to take about 100 pics of my little 2 year old to get one of her looking anywhere near me. Nobody can believe that you didn't have to ask her to look the way she was in that picture. The teenagers, well I hardly ever get a real smile from all three at once, YOU DID IT!!! We all just love all of them so much and want you to know how much we appreciate you! The contests you do are so neat and so sweet of you to do for people! Thank you so much!!!"
All the more confirmation that I love what I do. I love the feelings that are evoked when my clients view their images. And most of all, I love knowing that they are proudly displayed in their homes as a reminder of that special time in their lives.
To the J family, you left an impression on me, on my heart. When I have days of struggling in the parenting department, I've thought of you all and the daily challenges you face. I know it's not easy, but I know there's no greater reward than to see the smile on your children's faces and to hear their sweet words and to have their loving arms around you. You are in inspiration to parents everywhere.
And to the children, you can't imagine how much I was impressed with you. From your sweet, loving gestures to your kindness to one another to your constant laughter and smiles. So many lessons could be taken from each of you in this day and time. Kara, I hope you had a great first day of high school, and you know, you've got two older brothers to watch out for you! Keith and Kevin, you guys rock! I hope have a rockin' year in school! And Miss Alayna, don't give your siblings too much trouble! Thank you all for being so awesome!
What a beautiful family and a great session. Such big, bright smiles from everyone. Michelle's note is so, so sweet. You can tell it comes from the bottom of her heart. <3
What an inspiring family! The teens sound like fantastic kids, and wonderful role models to their baby sis :) I see the bond this family shares in these images-- priceless!
I love how they all have on great colors and look so happy! you did a wonderful job on what sounds like a wonderful family!
That is one gorgeous family. What wonderful role models. Thank you for sharing a little bit of their life with us!
LOVE the colors and the smiles!!! everything is just precious!!!
So inspiring!! Lovely captures!! Her note is soooo sweet!
What a beautiful family is such a beautiful field! I love these!
This is SO beautiful! I love all their bright clothing and happy faces!
Such a beautiful family!
what an inspiration and such a beautiful family!
Amazing images!! The colors are fab!
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