There's an old saying that goes, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." And to some degree, this is true and can be applied to many facets in life: fashion, hair styles(remember the "Rachel" cut?), even accents.
But when it comes to copying words and ideas verbatim, it is called "plagiarism." Committing plagiarism in high schools and colleges can get you a big fat "F" in class, if not expelled. Representing one's ideas as your own also falls under the definition of plagiarism. However, it is not considered copyright infringement, just plain ethically wrong, and it compromises the integrity of the written material.
I've always been a writer. I'm not saying I could be the next John Grisham, but I just love writing. I wrote poetry for a time, I used to write in my journal, heck, I even won a writing contest in during my senior year in high school and I got to record it at the radio station to be entered in another contest, of which I didn't win. So there's my credentials. Nothing big, but I. am. original. And sadly, I can't say that about everyone who writes.
Today, I was exposed to a new blog that is maintained by another local photographer. I will not post this person's name or blog address so as to not give any more credence than I already have, but this person will know to whom I'm referring. As I read the following post, I felt my blood boil as if I were in the lake of fire, with Satan pointing his pitch fork at me. This post is so similar, and I'm sure it's not by coincidence, to this post I wrote. Go ahead, take your time, and compare. I'll even highlight in red the similarities. So, friends, fellow bloggers, proponents of original writing, let me know what you think.
- "I decided that since the government was giving out money all over the place, bailing people out...I'd give them a call and have them help me out too! So, I called and it didn't go very well...I was told that because I didn't have several employees that I was going to give some major bonuses to and I didn't own my own private jet to fly people around in so that I can burn up our tax dollars faster, they just weren't going to help me...that kind of help was only reserved for the companies like that!
Okay, so I was joking. But seriously, I couldn't be more sick of hearing the word bailout every time I turn on the television! The economy is bad, the government is only making it worse by giving our tax dollars to people that obviously didn't know how to spend it in the first place!....we get it already!!
I've decided that I might not be able to do much about the state of the economy or how the government handles our taxpaying dollars; HOWEVER, I should do my share. So, I will do my part to help out with our bad economy situation by giving some AWESOME specials!!
Yeaaa me! (This is where you give me a standing ovasion...ha, ha, ha!)....Okay, now sit down and keep reading because I don't want you to miss this!
As you know, Mother's Day is coming up on May 11th! Are you having trouble deciding what to buy your mother or the mother of your children or both? Well, I am here to solve that problem! It's very simple! Give them something that they will have and cherish for a lifetime! Give them a portrait of the very things in life that they love and cherish the most...their legacy, their children! This isn't just "pictures", it's memories, it's art, it is an investment and let me just say, it is beautiful! I've put together a special that will help make this decision very easy for you!
Starting March 19th until April 30th I am running all of my packages for my "Family Sessions" 10% off!!! On top of that, the first 10 people that book for those dates will pay NO SITTING FEE! That's right, I said it, NO SITTING FEE for the first 10 people that book for those dates! Does it get any better than that??!! Well, actually....IT DOES! Because everyone that books through those dates will be entered into a drawing for a FREE "Treasure Collection" (collage) of up to a 10x30! Any size up to a 10x30! How SWEEEEEEEEEET is that?! I will post a sample soon so that you can see exactly what I'm talking about. They are beautiful! So, what are you waiting on? Is there any reason to keep on reading...your waisting time!...Jump on it!
So to sum it up, this is exactly what you will be getting:
1st 10 people to book will receive a FREE SESSION because there will be NO SITTING FEE!
10% off of ALL PACKAGES for the "Family Sessions"
One lucky person will win a FREE "Treasure Collection" (collage)..sample to be posted soon
In case you are wondering about the session, it will be your choice of in-studio or on location. The session fee will vary in time because it will depend on how many people and exactly what you are wanting but will probably be a 30 minute to a 60 minute session.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:[changed to protect identity] or just simply call me at: xxx-xxx-xxxx. Don't just stand there in shock....get to dialing!! "
So, as you can see, I'm not very thrilled with the prospect of someone who would actually take the time to copy, almost verbatim, what I have posted. To steal my ideas. To that I say, please do your own thing. If you can't be original, the only other thing you can be is a copycat.
And I think I'm funny in real life. Maybe silly. Or just plain goofy. Point is, the way I write is how I talk in real life. Ask my friends, they'll tell you, they, like, totally know me. And they might just show you some of my funny stuff, like my "SexyBack dance", or my "Scott-Savol-of-American-Idol-4 imitation", or even, [and I can't believe I'm admitting this], my rockin' Roger Rabbit dance[it's even funnier when I'm pregnant!] You name it, that's me. And I write about it and live by it.
In the grand scheme of things, what, with all the turmoil in our economy, starving children all over the world and all the drama in Washington, this is so trivial and does not amount to a hill of beans, but I wanted to address this personally and bring to light my issues with it. Without being such a sour-puss, I just wanted to make it clear to my fans, clients, potential clients, and even blog stalkers, that what you read is what I am and that copying someone's ideas is not flattering. It's not cool. It's insulting. It shows your lack of originality. And it's just plain wrong.
And with that, folks, I'll step down off of my soapbox. But one last thing: Anyone can start a blog. That's not anything new. And we bloggers can write what we want, that's what blogging, writing, journaling is all about.
It's the blatant plagiarism and stealing of ideas, line by line, that perturbs me. And it should you too.

So with that,
::Elvis has left the building::
P.S. Off subject, but I wanted to add a big THANK-YOU to the random stranger who provided me a dime at the checkout line when I was short. I'm glad to know there are still kind strangers in the world. God Bless!
This is a GREAT posting! Just the other day, I found out that some high schoolers are using a different alphabet to "trick" some of the tools that their teachers are using to track plagiarism. As an example, some kids will use the "O" from the russian language to replace the "O" from the english language... Sigh... why not just do the actual work instead of putting the energy into cheating? Anyhow, keep up the great posts!
You go, girl! I can't believe someone would do that! That's just rude and not very nice.
Thanks to all the emails, Facebook comments, and Myspace messages, and the comments pertaining to this post. I appreciate that you all understand my feelings about it and will continue to support my work and my blog.
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