A little ugly, mean little troll, a la "Three Billy Goats Gruff."
See, what happened is, I've been trying to lose the baby weight I gained with my now 2 and a half year old. It was easy the first time around, but I guess what they say is true: it gets harder to lose the weight with each successive pregnancy. And who is they anyway? I've always wanted to know. They said this. They did that. That's what they said.
Er, back to the original programming...
Okay, so I ran into this troll who promised me wealth untold. Oops, wrong story. Anyways, this creature promised me I'd be thin, rich and I'd never want for anything again. If I'd just drink this magic potion. Silly me, I should've already learned the method to his madness by now!
So, I drink the magic potion (again) in hopes of attaining the perfect body, riches beyond reason, and desires for nothing. And each time it is the same result:
I AM PREGNANT!!!! (In my defense, his wizard suit was an excellent marketing tool!) That little troll, you wait til I find him(again)!!
Okay, seriously, I thought I'd throw in a little folklore entertainment. There really is no troll, unless you consider my husband to represent him (just kidding, honey.) But in saying that, that troll has given me riches in that my life and family is rich beyond any dollar value that could represent it, and I do never want for anything, oh, except to be debt-free, but that is beyond a troll's magical assistance. At least while our economy is in the pits.
And being thin, well I am thin.
Thin on a small family, that's quite evident. Thin on sleep(it's 2 a.m. right now). Thin on a monotonous life, because I know how adventurous life is with a house full of kids, games, sibling rivalry, cheerleading, meal time, paper cuts, homework, t-ball, school programs, scraped knees, the occasional lazy day, messes, church functions, parent-teacher conferences, providing answers for the most insane questions, fishing, bath time, an overabundance of love, and so much more.
But most of all, God's blessings have been bestowed upon us once again. Surprised doesn't even scratch the surface of what I felt the other morning. But as with life, some of the greatest moments are those that are never planned. And preparation is for pansies.
We are all excited, especially the children, even Aubrey, whom I feared would be all "I'm-the-baby" and all "anti-anything-having-to-do-with-another-baby." But I should've known better, she loves babies, her own collection of babies and the new baby at her daycare.
Brennan wants a brother so bad, he's actually been telling us that for, oh, several months now. But I've been all "anti-anything-having-to-do-with-another-baby", so God has had other plans to show me. And Haley, she's so excited that she walked into school this morning letting all who would listen that her mommy is pregnant again! I had to let her have her moment.
So, that troll hasn't been so much of a liar as he hasn't been too clear of his definitions. We are having a baby that will bring rich blessings, and I will be thin on boredom. And the only thing I will ever want is for my children to be happy and healthy.
Stay tuned for my (mis)adventures in pregnancy, my growing family and photography.
God bless the little troll.

1 comment:
I've been following your blog for a little while too. I love it! I guess Liz has an attraction to the slightly quirky and the extremely entertaining type. Congrats on your new addition! Better you than me!
Laurie, Liz's other friend
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