Welcome to the Stephanie Greenwell Photography Blog

My photo
Serving the Southeast Missouri area including Hayti, Caruthersville, Portageville, and Kennett

Welcome to my blog! I hope you'll stay awhile and get a few laughs at my everyday life. I'm a mother to four great kiddos and married to a stud-muffin. (It makes him feel better!) Life is always what you make it and to tell the truth, I couldn't make it any better than it is. Photography has allowed me capture the lives of my children in a way that I couldn't imagine. And now it's what I love to do. Let me capture your loves, your laughters, your lives.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

He's my best friend's boy

This is the son of my best friend Tara. He is two weeks old and yesterday I snapped some pics for her. He was so sweet and slept most of time. I was rewarded with getting to feed his hungry little self. His sister has been very excited about having a little bro. Congrats Tara & Jarrett!

1 comment:

Matt Dorroh said...

I didn't realize you had started a blog, great job! I realy like that second pic!