Welcome to the Stephanie Greenwell Photography Blog

My photo
Serving the Southeast Missouri area including Hayti, Caruthersville, Portageville, and Kennett

Welcome to my blog! I hope you'll stay awhile and get a few laughs at my everyday life. I'm a mother to four great kiddos and married to a stud-muffin. (It makes him feel better!) Life is always what you make it and to tell the truth, I couldn't make it any better than it is. Photography has allowed me capture the lives of my children in a way that I couldn't imagine. And now it's what I love to do. Let me capture your loves, your laughters, your lives.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

[Lifestyle] Children:Reeves

It was a crazy morning for me. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to make one of my many nightly bathroom trips and then I couldn't go back to sleep. I started to fretting over what and where I was going to shoot my darling little subjects. Then I started thinking about silly things to say, how much longer I would take sessions while I'm pregnant, and on and on and on. Must be the pregnancy anxiety and hormones.

So, I tossed and turned. I closed my eyes. Sleep eluded me, no doubt. It was a runaway to which no Amber alert could be issued.

When I got up out of the bed at 6 a.m., I was on a roll. I was excited, probably adrenaline, to shoot today's subjects. I showed up to some pretty little girls, Mary Grace & Emily, and a somewhat unhappy-to-see-me little boy, Owen, albeit adorable as could be. But with a little coaxing, and the ability for him to see my images after I took them, he warmed up to me in no time. Mom was worried about it; of course I reassured her that no subjects could be harder than shooting my own me, Jen!

The weather was overcast which was perfect for shooting. I didn't have too much to worry about finding shade. We started out in their back yard, then moved to some downtown locations.

Owen has this tattered-with-love lovie that he absolutely adores, as you'll be able to tell. Mom said that the blanket was fully intact when the girls used it as babies, then Owen got a hold of it, and well, you'll see.

I also go to get some shots of Dottie. Sweet dachsund Dottie. She was a happy subject of sorts, and little too busy running around to worry about getting pictures taken.

Jen, I had a great day with you and your beautiful children. I enjoyed meeting them and being entertained by Owen. And it was also nice to catch up, seeing that these days, visiting with friends is lower on my todem pole! I hope you enjoy them!

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